Seattle Co-Drawing Group
Codraw Seattle is an artist collective initiated by Juliet Shen in 2016. Re-formed in 2023, current artists: Barbara Robertson, Chris Crites, Fiona McGuigan, Juliet Shen, Linda Davidson, and Sheila Coppola.
Drawing 24-04 - Start: Linda Davidson
Drawing 24-04 Stage # 2 Linda Davidson, Fiona McGuigan
Drawing 24-04 Stage # 3 Linda Davidson, Fiona McGuigan, Chris Crites
Drawing 24-04 Stage # 4 Final: Linda Davidson, Fiona McGuigan, Chris Crites, Juliet Shen
What if we always said: “Yes, and…?”
WHAT WE DO: We are a collective of artists who convene monthly to create shared drawings. Each member begins a drawing and then passes it to the next artist. These drawings act as visual dialogues where we respond to one another's work, much like an improvisational game of "yes, and"—acknowledging previous lines while contributing our own.
Juliet Shen has been meticulously documenting these stages online, providing a fascinating glimpse into this ongoing dialogue. Viewers can view the transformation of each drawing, appreciating the contributions of different artists while also gaining insight into the collaborative process:

“We do this to stimulate our brains, enjoy our craft, and learn new things about ourselves, the nature of constructive collaboration, and the processes we employ to make art. It's really fun and difficult at the same time, and the results continue to surprise.” Juliet Shen
Drawing 24-03 - Seattle CoDrawing
WHY I DO IT: The practice compels me to transcend my personal artistic confines. Each collaborative drawing demands a distinct and innovative response, and we get to challenge each other's artistic limits, engage in dialogue about the creative process, and delve into diverse styles. For me, codrawing embodies the spirit of creation, exploration, and an unwavering curiosity toward the artistic visions of others.
This method encourages me to embrace imperfection and spontaneity, reminding me that art is about the process. What stories do our drawings tell? Each mark left on the page narrates a moment shared, a conversation had, and a connection made.
Drawing 24-20 - Seattle CoDrawing

Thank you!
Juliet Shen has been leading Seattle Co-Draw since 2016 with quiet passion, determination, and meticulously documenting the process. Check out Juliet Shen’s art or all the co-drawings since 2016: