Exhibitions and Residencies
Born in Bern, Switzerland
1993-1996 School of Visual Concepts, Seattle, WA
1988-1990 De Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2022/23 AMcE Arts: 80 Days in August: 10 Years Duwamish River Artist Residency, Seattle, WA
2021 Museum of Museums (MOM), Duwamish River Artist Residency, Seattle, WA
2019 Duwamish River VR Exhibit, Seattle Public Library, Curated by Traci Timmons, Head Librarian,
Dorothy Stimson Bullitt Library, Seattle Art Museum
2018 Invitational, Adobe Headquarters, Seattle, WA
2018 High Street Gallery, Volume Two Exhibition, Salem, OR
2017 Solo Show: Perry Carlson Gallery, Deconstructed Memories and Exploration of Place, Mount Vernon, WA
2017 V2, Artist Trust 30 Year Celebration, Seattle, WA
2016 Curatorial Project: Confluence; The Duwamish Project, Columbia City Gallery, Seattle, WA
2016 Occasional Gallery, Curated by Brian Cypher, Burlington, WA
2016 COCA 35 Live, Seattle, WA
2015 Solo Show: Calypte Gallery, The Repeated Image, Seattle WA
2015 Gallery4Culture, The Duwamish River Artist Residency: Process and Artifacts, Seattle WA
2013 North Seattle Community College Gallery, Duwamish River Artist Residency Exhibit, Seattle WA
2013 Seattle Art Museum Sales & Rental Gallery’s 40th Anniversary Celebration, Artist’s Choice
2013 Solo Show: Gage Academy , The Constant Image (Solo Show), Seattle, WA
2012 Washington State Convention Center, A Celebration of WA Artists, Seattle, WA
2012 Buchanan Cntr. for the Arts, Art 64 (curated by Eric Fischl, America: Now & Here), Monmouth, IL
2011 Werkschau, Koserow, Germany
2011 Solo Show: Eidelauer Picture Club, Moment of Impact, Seattle, WA
2010 619 Western, Modifications, Seattle WA
2009 Canoe Social Club, Home, Seattle, WA
2008 Gallery One, 40 Portraits/40 Artists, Ellensburg WA
2004 Gallery 500, New Works (Solo Show), Seattle WA
2001 The Stage Gallery, Face to Face, New York NY, Honorable Mention
1999/01 Gallery One, Paint Ellensburg, WA
2000 Gallery 500, Figurative Group Show, Seattle WA
1998 Whatcom Museum, 18th Annual NW Intl. Art Competition, Bellingham WA,
1996 Gallery 500, In their own Space, Seattle WA
2017-2018 Managing Director for SOLA (Support Old Lady Artists)
2018 Project Manager for Reforestation of the Imagination, a glass/augmented reality installation by Ginny Ruffner at the Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC
2012-22 Co-Founder, Organizer, Participant: Duwamish River Artist Residency, Seattle WA
2014 Artist Trust GAP Award Recipient
2002/03 Art Installer/Assistant Project Manager for Chihuly Glass Studios, Seattle, WA
2016 Freiraum, Artist in Residence, Zürich, Switzerland
2011 Artist Residency, Atelier Niemeyer-Holstein, Luettenort, Germany
2010 Artist Residency, Centrum Fort Warden, Port Townsend WA
1999 Artist in Residence, Children’s Museum, Seattle, WA
Museum of NW Art: Pecha Kucha: #no filter
Washington State University, Experimental Drawing Class: On Process
Cornish College for the Arts, Guest Lecture: Duwamish River Artist Residency
University of Washington, Capstone Client for Architectural studio class
AIGA Link Workshop: Iteration: Beyond Inspiration
2019 Art & Industry: Roots that Clutch
2018 Art & Industry: LaFarge
2015 Catalog: Duwamish Residency at Gallery4Culture
University of Washington Art Library
Seattle Art Museum Library
Seattle Public Library
“Log” Show: December 2019 at BallardWorks
Arists: Aailya Gupta, Barbara Robertson, Chris Crites, Ethan Bickle, Fiona McGuigan, Genevieve Gaudreau, Gillian Theobald, Gretchen Van Dyke, Ilana Zwechi, Juliet Shen, Linda Davidson, Philippe Hyojung Kim, Robert Hardgrave, Robin Green, Sheila Coppola, Steve McFarlane, Sue Danielson, Tim Cross
INDEX: Freiraum, Artist Residency, Zurich, Switzerland
Curatorial Project: Confluence: The Duwamish Project: Columbia City Gallery, Seattle, WA
Occasional Gallery, Burlington WA
COCA 35 Live, Seattle, WA